Marcela Cadavid

Marcela Cadavid

Abogada de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Especialista en derecho tributario de la Universidad Externado de Colombia y candidata a Magister en Derecho Económico de la misma universidad.Autora de artículos de opinión relacionados con derecho económico en diferentes medios de comunicación.Cuenta con amplia experiencia en derecho tributario nacional e internacional, planeaciones fiscales, consultoría, cumplimiento y litigios tributarios.  

Nathalia Arango

Nathalia Arango

Abogada de la Universidad Externado de Colombia y especialista en derecho tributario de la misma universidad, participante del programa ejecutivo de derecho tributario internacional de la Universidad de Leiden. 

Con más de 12 años de experiencia profesional participando en la asesoría legal y tributaria de diferentes transacciones internacionales como escisiones, fusiones, compra de activos, prestación de servicios y similares. Adicionalmente, con experiencia en litigios judiciales y ante entidades administrativas.

María Gutiérrez

María Gutiérrez

Abogada de la Universidad Externado de Colombia. Con énfasis en derecho tributario y derecho internacional del comercio. Ganadora del Iberoamerican Tax Moot Court Competition 2021, del mejor memorial en el International Environmental Moot Court Competition 25th Edition, y semifinalista del John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition 2020.

English and French

Julieth Gordillo

Julieth Gordillo

Egresada de Derecho de la Universidad Católica de Colombia. Cuenta con 5 años de experiencia, apoyando el área jurídica en diferentes empresas y en distintas áreas del derecho, tales como procesal civil y comercial, derecho constitucional y contencioso administrativo.

Las cláusulas especiales antiabuso en Colombia

Los invitamos a leer la más reciente publicación de nuestra socia Laura Sanint en Taxlatam sobre las cláusulas antiabuso en Colombia.

“Quizás por lo reciente de la inclusión de la mayoría de las cláusulas especiales antiabuso en la legislación tributaria colombiana o quizás porque desde la práctica lo relevante es la consecuencia de las mismas, la doctrina y la jurisprudencia no han entrado a analizar en detalle cuándo las normas son una cláusula especial antiabuso, cuál es la finalidad de las mismas y cuál es la forma de hacer efectivas sus particularidades (recaracterización, limitación, presunción, etc.).”

Laura Sanint

Laura Sanint

Laura has a J.D. from Universidad Externado de Colombia, she has postgraduate studies in tax law and in commercial law from the Universidad Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario. She has a diploma in Finance from the Universidad de Los Andes and in Advanced Transfer Pricing from Leiden University. Ongoing: Master's Degree in Evaluation and Management of Investments Projects from Universidad Externado de Colombia.

Laura is author of several articles and books on transfer pricing, corporate and tax law.

Laura is founding partner of the firm, she has extensive experience in corporate tax law and transfer pricing. She has provided advice on procedures in the governmental and litigation stages, corporate reorganizations and tax planning, preparation of transfer pricing studies and support in the negotiation of Advance Price Agreements (APAs).

Presidente IFA Capítulo Colombia 2023 – 2024

Docente Investigadora Departamento de Derecho Fiscal de la Universidad Externado de Colombia y de la Universidad de los Andes.


Latin America 2024 “Laura Sanint is a rock star; there is no other word for her. Truly a trendsetter, with a unique knowledge of transfer princing and tax issues combined, which is not common in many local firms.”

Latin America 2023 “Laura Sanint is singled out by clients for her “excellent knowledge of the area and total availability” as well as “her ability to address our concerns and the depth with which she analyses matters”.

Latin America 2022: “She is an excellent lawyer with significant expertise in transfer pricing and international tax mandates.”


Laura Sanint es reconocida por World Tax dentro del selecto grupo conformado únicamente por 9 expertos en el país en el área de Precios de Transferencia.


Laura Sanint is the co-editor of the book published in 2021 and co-author of one of the chapters. The book initially address the concept of tax planning and its limits, to then focus on the anti-avoidance rules, their function, their typology in their general version and in their specific one, the relationships between both of them, the causes of tax avoidance, the possibility of applying the clauses in the context of double taxation agreements, the developments of the Multilateral Convention to implement the measures of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project, and, finally, the penalties that may arise from conducts in tax law fraud.

Laura Sanint participated in this work analyzing the development in Colombian normative of the indirect disposal Regime. This publication brings together the comments of professors and researchers from the Department of Fiscal Law of Universidad Externado de Colombia, to the tax bill "Ley de Crecimiento Económico". In particular, it includes the constitutional and fiscal policy analysis, the impact on income tax, indirect taxation, property taxes, the procedure and penalties.

Laura Sanint participated in the analysis of transfer pricing Courts decisions in the editions of years 2015, 2016 and 2017 for the publication presented by The Colombian Institute of Tax Law (ICDT in its Spanish acronym) of Critical Studies of Tax and Customs Jurisprudence, in which judgments issued by the Constitutional Court and the Council of State were analyzed.

Laura Sanint participated in this work analyzing the transfer pricing rules in Law 1819 of 2016. This publication brings together the comments of professors and researchers from the Department of Fiscal Law of Universidad Externado de Colombia, on the impact of Law 1819 of 2016 and its developments in the Colombian tax system.